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Доска для вейкбординга Slingshot 2021 Native Распродажа!

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Inspired by one of Slingshot’s flagship models,
the NATIVE is a new age crossover board to dominate
both the boat and the park. The subtle flex tips of this
board feature an exaggerated elliptical concave that
delivers fun and floaty transitions from edge to edge.
In the park it embraces round surfaces and helps riders
lock in for longer presses, while offering more control
and “feel”. If you were ever a fan of the legacy “Recoil” and
“Response” models from Slingshot, The NATIVE is what
happens when you put those two in a blender and add
a double shot of new age influence from team riders like
Alex Graydon.
Art By: Alina Scherbakova

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